XXI Congresso Mundial de Ciência do Solo

XXI Congresso Mundial de Ciência do Solo

The Brazilian Soil Science Society and latin America Soial Science Society are pleased to welcome the international soil science community to Rio de Janeiro for the 21th World Congress of Soil Science. The Congress theme “Soils to feed and fuel the world” is an invitation to answer the following questions:

  • How to feed a hungry planet?
  • How fo fuel an energy-hungry planet?
  • How to dring a thirsty planet?
  • How to clean up our polluted planet?….

The Congress will be held in RioCentro Exhibition & Convention Center, in August, 12 to 18, 2018. The city of Rio de janeiro is a cosmopolitan metropolis, known worldwide for its scenic beauty and its natural resources, the city provides a harmonious and agreeable environment for its inhabitants and visitors, for both leisure and work, which combined with its infrastructure, makes Rio and important center for commerce and services, with the advantage of a modern and diversified industrial sector.

Please, be welcome to contribute to our social and scientific program and to the 21thWCSS.

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